My Story

All about the positive vibes:

Coffee has always inspired a warm and comforting feeling.  Whenever I go into a coffee shop, I always feel welcome, cozy & happy.  In the back of my mind, I thought one day it would be great to create some original delicious organic coffee blends to share. 

While sitting at a local coffee shop, I thought why not share this great feeling and somehow pay it forward.  The human connection feeds us all and is very inspiring.  I began exploring coffee roasters as well as foundations.  The mission was to create delicious coffee that exudes a warm feeling, while helping others through donating proceeds.

Then the extensive coffee journey began.  Exploring everything from roasters, beans, process, quality, organic blends, origins etc... I met a lovely couple who offered it all!  A very caring young duo who worked with me to create original blends that fit the vision perfectly! Their mission is to exclusively buy organic beans from small micro lot farms or cooperatives where the local farmers pool their coffee to help each other.  Each bean of coffee is purchased from direct trade importing to assure quality, origin as well as organic standards. 

With the help of a few fabulous friends along the journey… tastings, idea creation, marketing, quality etc - "Pick Me..." coffee was born!  Thank you Julia, Shikari, Laura & Ron.  

The extensive trials and exploration of blends were worth every single tasting.  The results are absolutely delicious final blends that make us so very proud!!

Charity of choice! Through a mutual connection, I discovered the “Loyal to My Soil” foundation.   Created by Tyson Ross, MLB veteran, the organization was initially developed to assist rebuilding his hometown in Oakland CA.  Tyson began funding a baseball program to encourage kids to come out and play.  The initiative helped them build self-esteem as well as healthy lifestyles, while building up the surrounding fields and neighborhoods.  After talking with Tyson and learning about his plans to expand to other states, up next Arizona & Miami, I was incredibly inspired.  He is using his extensive network to have players help donate time, equipment and find fields where these kids can flourish and the neighborhoods benefit as a result.  He's looking to grow into other states, other sports and help kids as well as neighborhoods flourish all over the U.S.   GREAT STORY & EASY TO SUPPORT!

A portion of net proceeds are happily being donated to "Loyal To My Soil" to assist Tyson's journey to help communities and children through sports!  

Come grow with us - enjoy our delicious coffee- and follow the journey as Loyal uplifts communities & kids one neighborhood at a time!!   

With Love,

Lauren Franco